Orlen energy finalises integration of oil and gas production companies in Poland

Poland's largest energy concern Orlen is finalising the integration of oil and gas production companies in Poland. This process will result in improved operational efficiency, cost reductions and stabilised gas production levels, Orlen said in a press release.

Orlen said that Orlen Upstream Polska will be the integrator, combining the so-far dispersed assets acquired by the conglomerate as a result of its merger with Lotos Group and PGNiG.

Orlen Upstream Polska, a company within the Orlen Group (previously Orlen Upstream), was entered in the national court register KRS on November 19.

"The decisions taken by Orlen's management and supervisory board as to the integrator of all Polish exploration and production assets is an important stage in the process of consolidating Orlen Group's upstream assets, the aim of which is to create a single, strong entity that will enable the company to maximise the economic and operational efficiency of its upstream resources in the country," Orlen said in the press release.

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