PZU insurer at finish of handling flood damage; will present idea of group's structuring

In connection with the floods in southern Poland, 48,000 claims were reported to listed insurance group PZU , and the insurer has so far paid out nearly PLN 400 million (EUR 92.2 mln) to its customers. PZU has improved its reinsurance program, and in its new strategy PZU will address the issue of group structure and banking assets, the insurer's CEO Artur Olech told a conference.

"Today we have almost 50,000 reported damages in this area, and ninety-some percent of them are either liquidated damages, or the ones paid in advance," Olech said.

At the end of September, PZU projected a target of about PLN 500 million (EUR 115.2 mln) in gross flood claims, including PLN 275 million (EUR 63.4 mln) in gross deductibles (the rest was on the side of reinsurers).

"Of this, we have already paid out about PLN 400 million in claims," CEO Olech said.

On Thursday, PZU said that it has already issued decisions in more than 96 percent of the flood damages reported to PZU so far.

"I am convinced that the company has risen to the challenge. We have managed to build some credibility in these regions at this challenging time," Olech said.

The CEO pointed to the reinsurance program limiting the effects of catastrophic events, among others.

"In the middle of the year, we significantly optimised and hedged for potential catastrophic events and improved our reinsurance program," Olech said.

PZU said the group's new strategy until 2027 will be announced on December 2, 2024.

The CEO announced that the strategy will raise, among other issues, the group's structure and banking assets, the question of the group's internal organisation and efficiency.

PZU had previously assessed that the group's structure was not in line with current challenges, and did not rule out that in the new strategy it could maintain the current dividend policy due to its flexibility.

The PZU Group owns 31.9 percent of Alior Bank and 20 percent of Bank Pekao lenders.

seb/ ao/ han/

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