NOVATURAS AB (195/2024) CORRECTION: AB "Novaturas" investor calendar for the year 2024

Report no 195/2024

Podstawa prawna: art. 17. 1 MAR.

We publish revised version of investors calendar. The Company will announce interim consolidated financial statements for 6 months on August 23, 2024, taking into consideration recent change in finance team of the Company.

15 02 2024 Revenue and clients for January period

28 02 2024 Interim consolidated financial statements for 12 months of 2023

15 03 2024 Revenue and clients for February period

15 04 2024 Revenue and clients for March period

Till 30 04 2024 Draft decisions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

15 05 2024 Revenue and clients for April period

22 05 2024 Interim consolidated financial statements for 3 months of 2024

Till 31 05 2024 Decisions of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

14 06 2024 Revenue and clients for May period

15 07 2024 Revenue and clients for June period

14 08 2024 Revenue and clients for July period

23 08 2024 Interim consolidated financial statements for 6 months of 2024

13 09 2024 Revenue and clients for August period

14 10 2024 Revenue and clients for September period

11 11 2024 Interim consolidated financial statements for 9 months of 2024

15 11 2024 Revenue and clients for October period

13 12 2024 Revenue and clients for November period

15 01 2025 Revenue and clients for December period

14 02 2024 Revenue and clients for January period

28 02 2025 Interim consolidated financial statements for 12 months of 2024

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,5137 0,45%
1 EUR 4,2702 0,12%
1 GBP 5,1229 0,39%
100 JPY 2,6510 0,24%
1 USD 3,8330 0,61%