Polish grid operator and Energa-Operator agree on first stage of grid development until 2033

Polish power grid operator PSE and Energa-Operator have agreed on the first stage of analyses of grid development until 2033, the grid operator said. The second stage, until 2038, will identify the subsequent needs of the national power system (KSE) and summarise the work. Among other things, the agreement aims to increase the connectivity of new energy sources, including offshore wind farms, nuclear power, energy storage and consumers.

As stated, its aim is, among other things, to increase the connectivity of new energy sources, including offshore wind farms, nuclear power plant, energy storage and consumers.

"Energa-Operator is working on a concept for the development of its 110 kV distribution network in such a way that it is consistent with the plans of the transmission network operator - PSE," the operator said.

It was pointed out that within the framework of the concept of operation of the EHV (extra-high voltage) transmission network and the 110 kV distribution network in the area of operation, Energa-Operator conducts the so-called power flow and voltage analyses, both of the EHV networks belonging to PSE and the 110kV networks of Energa-Operator and the neighbouring distribution system operators.

It was reported that during the analyses, Energa-Operator focuses on identifying the necessary investments that will allow the safety of the national power system (KSE) operation to be maintained in both HV and LV networks.

This includes both investments already planned and those that will change the structure of the KSE power supply in the coming years: offshore wind farms, nuclear power plant, small nuclear reactors, as well as the process of repowering, i.e. replacing older wind power plants with new ones of higher capacity.

"Analyses carried out as part of the implementation of the first stage of the concept allowed the identification of potential problems in the KSE both in normal operating states and in emergency situations resulting from, among others, overloading of network elements and excessive voltage drops in the network," the grid operator stated.

"As a result of the study, the scope of investment outlays was determined, which will allow safe operation of the KSE and its sustainable development. The demonstrated investments will be introduced into the Energa-Operator Development Plan at the stage of its update," it added.

The agreement on the works on the joint concept for the development of the grid of Energa-Operator and Polish power grid operator PSE was concluded earlier this year.

Energa-Operator, as a distribution system operator, supplies electricity to more than 3.4 million customers through the power network it manages. It operates in the northern and central parts of the country on an area of approximately one quarter of its surface (nearly 75,000 sq km). It operates over 199,000 km of power lines and about 65,000 transformer stations.

gaw/ han/

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