Polenergia renewables and Equinor power ink deal for drilling Baltyk 2 and Baltyk 3 wind farms

Listed renewables group Polenergia and Norwegian power utility Equinor have signed a contract for the Baltyk 2 and Baltyk 3 offshore wind farm projects for horizontal drilling in the landfall area with Dutch company Visser & Smit Hanab, Polenergia and Equinor said in a press release.

As stated, the signed contract is another one bringing Equinor and Polenergia closer to the next stage of the projects, this is the start of construction.

Visser & Smit Hanab, as part of the signed contract, will perform four horizontal drillings and install four cable ducts to install export cables and bring power onshore.

The offshore wind farms Baltyk 2 and Baltyk 3 are being implemented in the first phase of offshore wind energy development in Poland.

The projects are located in the Polish exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea, between 22 and 37 kilometres from the coastline.

The first energy from the Baltyk 2 and Baltyk 3 wind farms is expected to flow into the grid in 2027, with the commercial phase of their operation planned for 2028.

mcb/ nl/ ao/

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