KGHM copper's infrastructure secured, plants operating without interference

Listed KGHM copper group's infrastructure has been secured in regards with the flood situation, the plants are operating without interference, the company's deputy CEO Piotr Krzyzewski said. As reported, there is currently no threat to the production line at any of KGHM's units.

"Our infrastructure is secured; we are operating without interference at both the metallurgical and mining levels. Only the infrastructure gathered near the water, that is mainly the manifolds, which are currently being secured, may suffer some damage, but this will not affect the production flow," Krzyzewski told a ceremony marking the debut of the company's bonds on the Catalyst market.

He reported that the company has already joined in helping those affected by the floods, providing sand, water and food, among other things.

KGHM said in a press release that the operation of the Zelazny Most Mining Waste Disposal Facility is being continuously monitored. The water level in the reservoir is safe, and below what would signify any risk of failure.

Safety staffs have been set up at KGHM plants near the rivers to analyse conditions and are in contact with local governments and services responsible for the flood situation in the region.

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