BANK MILLENNIUM SA (26/2024) Zakończenie subskrypcji obligacji nieuprzywilejowanych senioralnych o łącznej wartości nominalnej 500 milionów EUR emitowanych w ramach Programu EMTN.

Raport bieżący 26/2024

Bank Millennium S.A.

18 September 2024

Current Report No. 26/2024

SUBJECT: conclusion of subscription for senior non-preferred notes at

the total nominal value of EUR 500 million issued under the EMTN


The Management Board of Bank Millennium S.A. [Bank] hereby informs that

on 18 September 2024 it concluded subscription for green 5-year senior

non-preferred notes of the total nominal value of EUR 500 million,

exceeding 10% of the Bank Millennium Group's equity capitals.

The note issue has been organised under the EMTN programme on the basis

of a base prospectus approved on 12 September 2024 by the Commission de

Surveillance du Secteur Financier.

In connection with the intention to introduce the said notes into

trading on regulated market in Luxembourg, the Bank Management Board

provides the following information to the public:

1] date of subscription launch: 18 September 2024,

2] date of subscription conclusion: 18 September 2024,

3] date of allocation of securities: 18 September 2024,

4] number of securities under subscription: 5,000 pcs,

5] reduction rate in individual tranches, in case at least in one

tranche the number of allocated securities is lower than the number of

securities subscribed for: notes were issued in a single tranche with

reduction rate at 80.19%, the issue was not divided into tranches,

6] number of securities subscribed for under the subscription procedure:

25,243 pcs.,

7] number of securities allocated under the subscription process: 5,000


8] price, at which securities will be taken up: 100% of nominal value,

9] number of persons who have subscribed for securities under the

subscription process in individual tranches: 150 entities, issue was not

divided into tranches,

10] number of persons who have been allocated with securities under the

subscription process in individual tranches: 125 entities, issue was not

divided into tranches,

11] name [company name] of sub-issuers, who have taken up securities

under the performance of sub-issue agreements, with the number of

securities they have taken up, with actual unit price per security,

constituting the issue price after deduction of remuneration for taking

up units of securities, in performance of the sub-issue agreement, as

acquired by sub-issuer: not applicable,

12] the value of subscription understood as a product of the number of

securities covered by the offer and the issue price: EUR 500,000,000 [in

words: five hundred million euro], which according to average FX rate of

the National Bank of Poland as on 18 September 2024 is an equivalent of

PLN 2,134,550,000,

13] the amount of total costs included in the issue costs: The Bank

shall provide this information in updating current report after

receiving and accepting all payments connected with the issue,

14] average cost of subscription per unit of a security under the

subscription: The Bank shall provide this information in updating

current report after receiving and accepting all payments connected with

the issue,

15] manner of payment for securities paid up: notes shall be paid up by

transfer to the Bank's account.

Legal basis: Art. 17 par. 1 MAR

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