Tender offer for Comarch shares raised to PLN 332.20 until Oct. 3

Callers raise the share price in the tender offer for listed IT firm Comarch shares to PLN 332.20 (EUR 77.9) until October 3, 2024, Trigon DM brokerage wrote in a statement. As of October 4, 2024 (from 00:00), the price of the tendered shares will be PLN 315.40 (EUR 74) per tendered share.

It was indicated that in the period from September 27, 2024 (from 00:00) to October 3, 2024 (until 23:59), the share price in the tender offer will be 332.20 (EUR 77.9) per tendered share.

The tendered share price indicated will be paid for all tendered shares subscribed for in response to the tender offer submitted up to and including October 3, 2024 (23:59 hours).

"As of October 4, 2024 (from 00:00), the share price in the tender offer will be PLN 315.40 per tendered share. The tendered share price indicated in the preceding sentence will be paid for all tendered shares covered by subscriptions in response to the Tender Offer made between October 4, 2024 (from 00:00) and the end of the subscription period for tendered shares in the Tender Offer," the statement wrote.

In August, Comarch reported that the owners of Comarch the Filipiak family, together with CVC Capital Partners Fund IX and Anna Prokop, are launching a tender offer for the sale of 5,266,072 Comarch shares, representing 34.81 percent of the total number of votes, at PLN 315.40 (EUR 74) per share.

alk/ han/ nl/

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