ENERGA SA (37/2024) Decyzja o niewnoszeniu skargi kasacyjnej od wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w sprawie o stwierdzenie nieważności lub uchylenie uchwały Nadzwyczajnego Walnego Zgromadzenia Energa SA

Raport bieżący 37/2024

Current Report No. 37/2024

Date: 27 September 2024

Subject: Decision not to file a cassation appeal against the judgment of

the Court of Appeal in the case of annulling or repealing the resolution

of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Energa SA

Legal basis: Article 17 (1) of MAR - inside information

With reference to the current report No. 10/2024 of 21 March 2024, the

Management Board of Energa SA (_quot;Company_quot;) informs, that after conducting

analyses, on 27 September 2024 it decided not to file a cassation appeal

against the judgement of the Court of Appeal in Gdańsk ("Court") of 21

March 2024. In the aforementioned judgment, the Court fully dismissed

the appeal filed by the Company against the judgment of the court of

first instance repealing the resolution No. 3 of the Extraordinary

General Meeting of Energa SA of 29 October 2020 on the withdrawal from

trading on the regulated market operated by Giełda Papierów

Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. of 269,139,114 series AA ordinary bearer

shares in the Company and marked in Krajowy Depozyt Papierów

Wartościowych S.A. with ISIN PLENERG00022 code.

More information on page: http://biznes.pap.pl/en/reports/espi/all,0,0,0,1

kom espi zdz

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