Callers in Comarch IT tender with nearly 100 pct ownership; announce mandatory buyout

The Filipiak family, together with CVC Capital Partners Fund IX and Anna Prokop, bought shares in listed IT company Comarch in a tender offer, representing 98 percent of the capital and 98.9 percent of the votes. The next step for the callers will be to announce a mandatory buyout of shares and delisting of Comarch from the stock exchange.

After the call, the shareholders' agreement will hold 7,973,346 shares.

The purpose of the transaction was for the callers to achieve a level of voting rights in Comarch that would allow them to fulfil their intention to delist the company's shares from the regulated market and allow it to continue to grow as a private company.

The entity acquiring the shares is Chamonix Investments Poland, controlled by CVC Capital Partners Fund IX.

The next step for the callers will be a mandatory buyout of the remaining Comarch shares ('squeeze out' procedure), followed by an application for delisting of the company.

The tender offer is a stage of a planned long-term joint investment by CVC and the Filipiak Family, as a result of which the entities controlled by CVC Capital Partners Fund IX will eventually become the company's majority shareholders.

The Comarch Group is a global provider of business IT solutions that support end-to-end customer relationships and optimise operations and business processes. The company has been listed on the WSE since 1999.

CVC Capital Partners is a private equity firm, listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, with a network of 29 offices in Europe, Asia, and the United States, managing approximately EUR 193 billion in assets. In Poland, the fund has invested in PKP Energetyka (acquired by PGE in 2023), Zabka and Stock Spirits.

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,6609 0,34%
1 EUR 4,3426 0,23%
1 GBP 5,2163 0,72%
100 JPY 2,6515 -0,32%
1 USD 4,1258 0,68%