BANCO SANTANDER S.A. (16/2025) Santander announces the results of the invitation to purchase its outstanding instruments with ISIN XS1384064587 and XS1548444816 - correction

Report no 16/2025

Podstawa prawna: art. 56. 1. 2 of Act on Public Offering.

Banco Santander hereby informs that in the attachment to the current report no. 16/2025 of 13 February 2025 a clerical error occurred - in the outstanding nominal amount of EUR 2027 Notes following the Settlement Date announced in the referred announcement instead of the amount of "463,400,00", should be the correct amount of "436,400,000".

All other details remain unchanged. The correct version of the attachment to the current report no. 16/2025 is appended to this report.

Legal basis:

§ 15.2 of the Finance Minister's Ordinance of 29 March 2018 on current and periodic reports published by the issuers of securities and the rules of equal treatment of the information required by the laws of non-member state.

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,4239 -0,21%
1 EUR 4,1664 -0,24%
1 GBP 5,0307 -0,20%
100 JPY 2,6620 0,64%
1 USD 3,9879 -0,37%