BANK PEKAO SA (35/2024) Zmiany w składzie Zarządu Banku Pekao S.A.

Raport bieżący z plikiem 35/2024

UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION26.09.2024 - Report 35/2024: Changes in

the Management Board of the Bank Pekao S.A.Bank Polska Kasa

Opieki Spółka Akcyjna (the _quot;Bank_quot;) hereby informs that on 26 September

2024 the Supervisory Board of the Bank:1) in an open selection

process and after assessing suitability, effective from 2 November 2024

in the Bank's Management Board of the current joint term of office Mr.

Marcin Zygmanowski for the position of Vice President of the Management

Board of the Bank,2) dismissed Vice President of the Bank's

Management Board Ms. Magdalena Zmitrowicz from the Management Board of

the Bank. The reasons for the cancellation were not given.In

accordance with the submitted declaration, Mr. Marcin Zygmanowski, from

the date of taking up the function, conducts any activity competitive to

the Bank, in particular will not hold the status of a partner in a civil

partnership, partnership or capital company competitive to the Bank, nor

act as a member of the governing body of another legal person competing

with the Bank or run his own business activity competitive with the

Bank. Mr. Maricn Zygmanowski is not entered in the Register of Insolvent

Debtors kept pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997 on the National

Court Register.CV of the Mr. Marcin Zygmanowski containing the

information specified in § 10 point 4 of the Regulation of the Minister

of Finance of March 29, 2018 on current and periodic information

provided by issuers of securities and the conditions for recognizing as

equivalent information required by the laws of a non-member state,

constitute annex to this current report.The open selection

process for the remaining positions remains open.Legal basis:Paragraph

5 point 4 and 5 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on 29 March

2018 on the current and periodic information published by issuers of

securities and on the conditions for recognising such information as

being equivalent to information required by the provisions of law of a

non-member state (Journal of Laws 2018 item 757 with subsequent changes).

More information on page:,0,0,0,1

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,5137 0,45%
1 EUR 4,2702 0,12%
1 GBP 5,1229 0,39%
100 JPY 2,6510 0,24%
1 USD 3,8330 0,61%