Bogdanka coal estimates its EBITDA at PLN 981.1 mln with PLN 478.5 mln net loss in 2024

Listed coal mining group Bogdanka estimates its consolidated net loss at PLN 478.5 million (EUR 112.6 mln), and its EBITDA at PLN 981.1 million (EUR 230.9 mln) in 2024, the company said in a market filing. Bogdanka assumes a preliminary coal production plan for 2025 of around 8 million tonnes.

The Group said that after adjusting the results to include the write- off resulting from the company's impairment test, the estimated net profit in 2024 was PLN 472.6 million (EUR 111.2 mln).

An impairment charge of PLN 1,174 million (EUR 276.3 mln) on the carrying value of fixed assets was recognized in the first half of 2024.

“At the same time, we would like to inform you that due to the identification of new indications of possible impairment of property, plant and equipment, the company is in the process of re-testing for impairment, so the preliminary results for 2024 given above may change,” the release said.

Bogdanka's commercial coal production in 2024 was 7.90 million tons, and sales were 8.11 million tons. As stated, the achieved production level is in line with the updated production target for 2024.

The company assumes a preliminary production plan for 2025 of around 8 million tons.

pel/ han/

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