CARBON STUDIO SA (12/2024) Zawarcie umowy dotyczącej udostępnienia gry Hunt Together w Meta Quest+ Library

Raport bieżący 12/2024



for the inclusion of the game Hunt Together in the Meta Quest+ Library



Management Board of Carbon Studio S.A., headquartered in Chorzow

["Company", "Issuer"] informs that on September 17, 2024, it received

information from Meta Platforms Technologies LLC regarding the signing

of an agreement to include the game Hunt Together ["Game"] in the Meta

Quest+ Library.


Quest+ Library is a game library available to subscribers for the Meta

Quest Pro, Quest 2, and Quest 3 headsets.


Game will be available in the Meta Quest+ Library from October 1, 2024,

to March 31, 2025, with the possibility of an extension.


Issuer considers the above information significant due to the fact that,

in the Issuer's opinion, the inclusion of the Game in the Meta Quest+

Library will increase the Game's visibility, which could, in turn,

positively impact the financial results achieved by the Issuer from the

sale of the Game.




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More information on page:,0,0,0,1

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