CARBON STUDIO SA (14/2024) Pozytywna opinia dofinansowania projektu Emitenta w ramach Działania Ścieżka SMART z FENG

Raport bieżący 14/2024



opinion on the funding of the Issuer's project in the SMART Path from




Management Board of Carbon Studio S.A. located in Chorzow ["Company",

"Issuer"] informs that on September 20, 2024 it received information on

the recommendation of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development

["PARP"] to co-finance the Company's project within the SMART Path

funded by the European Funds for Modern Economy program



a result of the evaluation, the Company's project, i.e. MAGOS

(Multiplatform Automatic Genetic Optimization System) - Automated tool

for optimization of graphic collections in VR games ["Project"], was

selected for funding. The net value of the Project funding recommended

by PARP is PLN 4 117 518,75, and the total value of the Project is PLN 5

642 201,25.


main objective of the Project is for the Issuer to do R_amp;D work that will

result in the development of a process innovation - a new technology in

the form of an artificial intelligence-based system for automated

optimization of VR games for various hardware platforms [including both

currently available and future VR hardware platforms].


the same time, the Issuer indicates that the positive recommendation

mentioned above is not equal to the conclusion of an agreement and

granting of financing for the Project, which the Issuer will inform

about in a separate current report.


Issuer's Management Board considered the above-mentioned information as

confidential information due to the potential value of the Project's

subsidy, if received, the amount of the funding may positively affect

the Issuer's economic and financial situation.




17 _1_ of the MAR

More information on page:,0,0,0,1

kom espi zdz

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,3573 -0,03%
1 EUR 4,1852 -0,31%
1 GBP 4,9910 0,20%
100 JPY 2,6048 0,42%
1 USD 3,8520 0,13%