CEZ A.S. (3/2025) CEZ Group completes sale of its Polish coal assets to ResInvest Group

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CEZ Group completes sale of its Polish coal assets to ResInvest Group

Więcej na: http://biznes.pap.pl/pl/reports/espi/all,0,0,0,1

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CEZ Group

completes sale of its Polish coal assets to ResInvest Group


sale of CEZ Group s coal assets in Poland to ResInvest Group was

completed today, just under a year since the auction process began. The

sale includes companies that own and operate two hard coal-fired power

plants Skawina and Chorzow with combined production of heat and

power._#160;The sale agreement was signed last November, and the transaction

was subsequently approved by the Polish antitrust authority. CEZ will

continue to develop modern ESCO energy services in Poland through the

companies within its subsidiary company Elevion Group.


Group has successfully completed the transaction to sell its Polish coal

assets to ResInvest Group. The ResInvest Group submitted the best offer

in an open auction process, which was confirmed by an independent

assessment of the value of the companies being sold. The completion of

transaction was preceded by the approval from the Polish antitrust

authority UOKiK.The

CEZ_#160;Skawina_#160;hard coal-fired power plant (installed capacity 330_#160;MWe ,588

MWt is the second largest heat supplier to Krakow_#160;and the town of

Skawina._#160;The CEZ Chorzow_#160;hard coal-fired power plant 238 MWe , 500 MWt

is one of the largest heat suppliers to Katowice and other urban

conglomerations in Silesia. Both these power plants also utilise biomass

for generation and, in 2023, together generated 1,390 GWh of electricity

and 5,649 TJ of heat.

The sale also included the

companies CEZ Produkty Energetyczne Polska and CEZ Polska. CEZ Produkty

Energetyczne Polska provides specialized support services in the area of

utilization of energy by-products resulting from the combustion of coal

and biomass._#160;CEZ Polska is the holding company for CEZ Chorzow and CEZ

Skawina. It also monitors the market situation in terms of energy

regulation and legislation, while also providing communication, PR, and

Public Affairs activities in Poland.

An ING Bank's London-based

investment team was the exclusive advisor to CEZ Group for this sale.

More information on page: http://biznes.pap.pl/en/reports/espi/all,0,0,0,1

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