Erbud builder wants to issue up to 75k bonds with nominal value of PLN 1,000 per share

Listed builder Erbud wants to issue up to 75,000 unsecured series E bearer bonds with a nominal value of PLN 1,000 (EUR 236.7) per share, the company said in a market filing. It was indicated that after deducting the costs of the issue, the funds from the bond issue will be used to refinance the company's D-series bond debt.

The bond offering will be exclusively available to qualified investors.

These bonds will accrue interest at a rate equal to WIBOR 6M plus a margin determined through the book-building process.

The issuance of the bonds is expected to occur no later than the end of the first quarter of 2025, with a maximum maturity of four years.

Trigon DM brokerage will serve as the intermediary for this bond offering.

alk/ nl/

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,4239 -0,21%
1 EUR 4,1664 -0,24%
1 GBP 5,0307 -0,20%
100 JPY 2,6620 0,64%
1 USD 3,9879 -0,37%