Four telcos qualified for second stage of bands' auction - Poland's telecom regulator

Polish telecoms Orange Polska, P4, T-Mobile Polska and Polkomtel have been qualified for the second stage of the auction of bands below 1 GHz, Poland's telecom market regulator UKE announced in a statement.

"The four entities that submitted initial bids in the auction announced by the head of UKE on November 8, 2024, for seven frequency reservations in the bands below 1 GHz, have been qualified for stage II of the auction," UKE stated.

On November 8, 2024, the regulator announced the start of the auction for the 700 and 800 MHz bands. Seven frequency reservations have been the subject of the auction, and the starting auction price is PLN 356 million (EUR 85.2 mln).

A participant may obtain a maximum of two frequency reservations as a result of the auction.

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