Gaz-System contracts construction companies for all gas pipelines within FSRU terminal

Poland's gas infrastructure operator Gaz-System has signed a set of contracts for the construction of three gas pipelines with a total length of 250 kilometres. The value of these contracts amounts to PLN 954 million (EUR 221 mln), the company said in a press release. The Gardeja - Kolnik section, about 88 kilometres long, will be constructed by Poland's largest steel distributor Stalprofil.

Stalprofil has also been appointed as the contractor for the Gardeja - Kolnik section.

PORR became the contractor for the Kolnik - Gdansk section and Gustorzyn - Gardeja section is to be constructed by a consortium of companies consisting of Romgos, Engineering and Romgos Gwiazdowscy.

The construction of the onshore gas pipelines is directly linked to the implementation of the Floating Storage Regasification Unit FSRU Programme, under which a floating LNG terminal is planned in the Gulf of Gdansk.

Construction work is scheduled to be completed in December 2026.

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