GPW Benchmark: Communique - DIAGNOSTYKA


GPW Benchmark informs, that after the trading session on February 19, 2025, there will be an extraordinary adjustment of the sWIG80, sWIG80TR and WIG140 indices portfolios. DIAG (ISIN PLDGNST00012) with 17,825,000 shares will be entered on the lists of sWIG80, sWIG80TR and WIG140 indices participants, in place of PHOTON (ISIN NL0010391108). The extraordinary adjustment of the indices results from the IPO of DIAG shares, for which the value of free-float shares on the first quotation date is at least 1.25% of the capitalization of sWIG80 index portfolio, respectively, at the session on that day. Moreover, the lists of WIG and WIG-Poland indices will be supplemented with 17,825,000 shares of DIAG company (ISIN PLDGNST00012). DIAG company’s shares were introduced to trading on February 7, 2025 and fulfill criteria

of the above mentioned indices.

kom abs

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,3811 -0,38%
1 EUR 4,1783 -0,28%
1 GBP 4,9986 -0,58%
100 JPY 2,5720 0,02%
1 USD 3,8606 -0,59%