InPost has multi-year green energy contract with Polenergia power

Amsterdam-listed parcel locker operator InPost Group has signed a multi-year green energy contract with Poland's largest private energy group Polenergia, thanks to which it will provide RES energy for all, i.e. nearly 24,000 Paczkomat parcel lockers, the companies said in a joint press release.

"Thanks to the contract with Polenergia, nearly 24,000 Paczkomat parcel lockers in Poland will exclusively use green energy generated from our renewable sources," said Polenergia's management board member Piotr Maciolek, quoted in the press release.

"The clean energy provided by Poland's largest private energy group Polenergia will also significantly power InPost's fleet of 1,300 electric cars and InPost's branches and sorting facilities, contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide," he added.

Polenergia will provide InPost with a steady supply of RES-generated energy through a PPA (Power Purchase Agreement). The required energy will be produced by the Debsk Wind Farm with a capacity of 121MW, which is one of the largest wind farms in Poland.

The estimated annual production of the power plant is around 366 GWh - which corresponds to the annual electricity demand of more than 183,000 households.

"Thanks to this green energy, the operation of the Paczkomat parcel lockers network in Poland will be zero-emission from 2025," said the head of marketing at InPost Izabela Karolczyk-Szafranska, quoted in the press release.

"On the other hand, the investment in the electric fleet made in recent years will bring the expected reductions - which would not have been possible if we had used conventional energy sources," she added.

According to Karolczyk-Szafranska, thanks to this project, InPost will reduce CO2 emissions, but also the average emissions of parcel delivery.

She assessed this aspect as "crucial for (...) customers and business partners".

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