JSW coal's management board approves redemption of PLN 300 mln investment certificates

Listed coking coal group JSW's management board adopted a resolution on granting consent to the redemption of the investment certificates under the JSW Stabilisation Closed Investment Fund (FIZ) with a total estimated amount of PLN 300 million (PLN 70.23 mln), the company said in a market filing.

The decision to redeem FIZ investment certificates, in accordance with JSW's articles of association, requires the consent of the company's supervisory board.

After Stabilisation Closed Investment Fund (FIZ) redemption, the value of investments in the FIZ asset portfolio according to the valuation as of November 29, 2024, the day after the redemption date, is estimated at approximately PLN 3.1 billion (EUR 725.7 mln).

In total, JSW's management board agreed to redeem FIZ investment certificates with a total estimated value of PLN 800 million (EUR 187.3 mln) in 2025.

seb/ ao/ han/

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