Kety metals postpones presentation of new strategy by several months

Listed metals group Kety is postponing the presentation of its new strategy by a few months. It may present it together with the results of the first quarter of 2025, CEO Dariusz Manko told a video conference.

"I said that we will present the strategy by the end of the year (...). It is practically prepared (...), but I asked the supervisory board and colleagues on the management board if we could postpone its presentation by a few months," Manko said.

"I believe that it should be the case that the strategy should be presented by the CEO, who will implement it and take responsibility for it," he added.

At the beginning of December, Dariusz Manko announced his intention not to stand for election to the company's management board for the next term.

The supervisory board of Kety passed a resolution to appoint the current deputy CEO Roman Przybylski as the group's CEO. The resolution will take effect in 2025, the day following the expiry of the mandates of the management board members of the current term.

"I think the strategy can come out within a few months. I think we can show it with the first quarter results, which will be in April," Manko added.

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