KGHM copper agrees to 9.2-pct salary hike starting from January '25

Listed copper producer KGHM and trade union organizations have agreed on a 9.2 percent increase in base salaries as from January 1, 2025. Additionally, 20 percent of the workforce will be covered with staff reshuffle in the group's branches, starting May 1.

The rules for the reshuffle are to be agreed between individual employers and local trade union organizations.

"Based on production and financial results for the first half of the year, the parties will analyze the development of wages in the company to achieve at least an 8-percent increase in the average total salary in 2025 as compared to the previous year," the company said in a press release.

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,4239 -0,21%
1 EUR 4,1664 -0,24%
1 GBP 5,0307 -0,20%
100 JPY 2,6620 0,64%
1 USD 3,9879 -0,37%