mBank lender earmarks over PLN 7.6 bln for financing sustainable investments in 2024

mBank, the Warsaw-listed unit of Germany's Commerzbank, earmarked more than PLN 7.6 billion (EUR 1.8 bln) in 2024 for financing sustainable investments, the lender said in a press release. It indicated that a further over PLN 8.5 billion (EUR 2 bln) had been mobilised by the bank through the organisation of green bond issues and through syndications.

mBank's 2021-2025 strategy assumes allocation of PLN 10 billion (EUR 2.4 bln) to sustainable projects.

By the end of 2024, the bank's renewable energy portfolio reached PLN 4.8 billion (EUR 1.1 bln).

In 2024 alone, mBank financed 13 renewable projects and over PLN 7.6 billion (EUR 1.8 bln) in sustainable financing, including PLN 2.6 billion (EUR 620 mln) in Sustainability Linked Loans.

The lender also supported nearly PLN 1.5 billion (EUR 358 mln) in green bond issues.

alk/ nl/ ao/

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