MOL Polska plans to complete rebranding of most franchised stations in Poland in 2025

Poland's branch of Hungarian fuels group MOL, MOL Polska, plans to complete the rebranding of most of its more than 100 franchised stations in Poland in 2025, the group said in a press release. In Poland, nearly 30 partner stations and more than 270 of MOL's own stations are operating in the new colours.

As stated, the MOL group's target is to triple the number of franchised stations in Europe by 2030.

The company assumes that much of the growth in its partner network will come from the further development of its franchise programme in Poland.

The group operates three refineries and two petrochemical plants as part of an integrated supply chain in Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia, as well as a network of nearly 2,400 service stations in 10 countries in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

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