Murapol real estate sells 2,665 apartments in 9M, handovers at 2,649 - press release

Real estate developer Murapol inked 2,665 developer and preliminary apartment sale deals in 9M of 2022, down by "less than 10%" y/y, and handed over 2,649 apartments in the period, with 2022 sales to retail clients seen roughly flat y/y, the company said in a press statement.

In Q3 alone, sales came to 1,275 apartments and handovers to 835.

"In the entire 2022, we expect sales of apartments to retail clients to settle at a level close to that of last year's," CEO Nikodem Iskra said as cited in the statement.

At end-September, Murapol had 6,712 apartments under construction in the frame of 23 housing projects in 13 cities, including 1,943 apartments in the PRS segment.

Murapol sported a land bank allowing it to build ca. 20.4k apartments at end-September.

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