Orange PL telco's share price up 3.7 pct, following preliminary results release

Listed telecom operator Orange Polska's share price is up 3.7 percent with the WIG20 up 1 percent, following the publication of company's preliminary results for 2024, including the better-than-expected results for the fourth quarter.

Orange Polska estimates that it had net profit of PLN 201.1 million (EUR 48.2 mln) in the fourth quarter of 2024, above market expectations for PLN 170.1 million (EUR 40.8 mln), while its EBITDA after lease (EBITDAaL) amounted to PLN 804 million (EUR 192.7 mln) against PLN 759.9 million (EUR 182.15 mln) assumed in PAP Biznes consensus.

In 2025, the company forecasts low single-digit year-on-year growth in revenue and EBITDAaL. CAPEX in 2025 is forecast in the range of PLN 1.8 -1.9 billion (EUR 431.46-455.43 mln).

The company has also announced that its management board is recommending that the shareholders pay a dividend of PLN 0.53 (EUR 0.13) per share from 2024 profit.

Orange will present a medium-term strategic plan in March.

pam/ ao/

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