PKP Cargo SA w restrukturyzacjiPKP Cargo hauler to complete employee dues' payment process in January 2025
Listed rail hauler PKP Cargo will complete the process of payment of all employee dues resulting from the conducted collective redundancies in January 2025, the company said in a press release. In the first half of January, all overdue salaries of employees who left the company as part of collective redundancies were paid.
"In January 2025, together with the salaries for December 2024 - some specific salary components - i.e. overdue severance payments and anniversary awards - will not yet be paid," PKP Cargo wrote in the press release.
"However, the management board of PKP Cargo in restructuring points out that the company is working intensively on the schedule for this stage of payment of overdue employee benefits as well," it added.
The management board of PKP Cargo in restructuring assures that all persons who have not received the benefits due to them so far are fully entitled to them, and the benefits will be paid, together with due interest, at the first possible date.
"Despite the very difficult situation, the settlement of obligations to employees is prioritised by the company and therefore the first outstanding employee benefits will be paid in January this year," the company announced.
"We would like to inform that in the following months the company's financial capacity will be analysed and, if possible, further payments will be made," it added.
gaw/ han/ ao/