Poland likely to see stabilisation of fuel prices at stations in turn of September/October - e-petrol (opinion)

Late September/early October may bring price stabilisation on the retail fuel market in Poland, the market researcher e-petrol said in its retail price projection for September 30 - October 6.

"The end of the calendar summer has brought a further fall in retail fuel prices. Both 95-octane petrol and diesel dropped by PLN 0.06 over the week. Those refuelling unleaded 95 petrol paid an average of PLN 5.97 per litre this week and this was its lowest price since the end of February 2022," the researcher pointed out in the report.

"Diesel, with an average price of PLN 5.99 per litre, equalled the pre-election minima of last autumn. We also noted a downward trend in the price of autogas, which, after a reduction of PLN 0.02, currently costs PLN 2.85 per litre," it added.

The e-petrol experts forecast that the turn of September and October may bring price stabilisation in the retail fuel market.

According to them, in the coming week (September 30 - October 6) the prices of PB98-octane petrol will lower to a range of PLN 6.64 (EUR 1.55) and PLN 6.75 (EUR 1.58) per litre.

The price of unleaded petrol PB95 will be in a range of PLN 5.92 (EUR 1.38) and PLN 6.03 (EUR 1.41) per litre.

In the case of diesel, e-petrol experts expect a price range between PLN 5.96 (EUR 1.39) and PLN 6.07 (EUR 1.42) per litre.

LPG (autogas) is expected to cost less, between PLN 2.83 (EUR 0.66) and PLN 2.90 (EUR 0.68) per litre at most stations.

pat/ ao/ nl/

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