Poland's environment protection fund to provide Qemetica Soda Polska with nearly PLN 100 mln in funding

Poland's National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOSiGW) will provide Qemetica Soda Polska in Inowroclaw, the unit of listed chemicals group Qemetica (formerly Ciech) with nearly PLN 100 million (EUR 23.2 mln) in funding for the conversion of a coal-fired boiler to a biomass-fired boiler with a biomass fuel management system, NFOSiGW said in a press release.

Funding for the investment comes from the Cogeneration for Energy and Industry programme funded by the Modernisation Fund.

It was reported that the 63.6 MW installation will enable the production of electricity and heat in high-efficiency cogeneration while using renewable energy sources. The project will result in a reduction of CO2 emissions by more than 200,000 tonnes per year.

"The plant will use the existing steam turbines of the company's CHP plant. As part of the investment, the necessary infrastructure for the transport and storage of biomass will be built. The installation will be protected against noise, dust emissions and fire hazards," NFOSiGW said in the press release.

"The beneficiary plans to use all the energy obtained from biomass combustion for the production of soda - the key and most energy-intensive process. The investment, with a total value of more than PLN 222 million, is scheduled to be completed in the second half of 2027," it added.

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