Poland's Interior Minister adds Belarussian MOZYRSOL to sanctions list

Minister of Interior and Administration added Belarussian MOZYRSOL to the sanctions list, the ministry's website said.

The sanctions involve freezing the funds and economic assets, ban on funds and economic assets sharing, exclusion from public contract procedures and competitions, among others.

"Putting restrictive measures on Mozyrsol OAO will lower the exporting capabilities of the company, therefore impacting the funds compromising Belarussian budget, as well as revenues of the persons and entities supporting Russian aggression," the reasoning stated.

Mozyrsol OAO was created in 1974, it is one of the leading producers of evaporated salt in CIS and Europe and is one of the main producers of extra class evaporated salt. The company's activity involves mainly production and selling of food grade salt in tableted and granulated forms.

Recently, the Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry and Polish baking soda producer Ciech called on introducing sanctions on Belarussian salt producers, the chamber said in a release.

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