Poland's telco regulator completes auction for seven frequency reservations from bands below 1 GHz

Poland's telecom market regulator UKE has completed the auction for seven frequency reservations in the bands below 1 GHz, UKE said in a statement. T-Mobile Polska took first place in the auction for Block A and Block G, Orange Polska for Blocks B and C, Polkomtel for Block D, and P4 for Block E and Block F.

Each reservation will authorise the use of frequencies until May 31, 2040.

Reservation A, Reservation B, Reservation C, Reservation D, Reservation E and Reservation F are intended for use in the mobile radio communication service. Reservation G is intended for use in mobile or fixed radio communication service.

After the announcement of the auction results, the head of UKE shall immediately initiate ex officio frequency reservation proceedings.

On November 8, 2024, the head of UKE announced an auction with seven frequency reservations.

doa/ ao/ nl/

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Waluta Kurs Zmiana
1 CHF 4,3980 0,20%
1 EUR 4,1900 0,13%
1 GBP 5,0276 0,53%
100 JPY 2,5716 -0,16%
1 USD 3,8834 0,14%