PZU's mutual insurances unit TWU PZUW to announce new strategy in Q1 2025

Listed insurance group PZU's mutual insurances unit TWU PZUW plans to announce a new strategy for 2025-2027 in the first quarter of 2025, PZU said in a market filing.

TUW PZUW said that in 2025, it will put the accent on energy transition and infrastructure investments, including a focus on nuclear and renewable energy, among others, and the development of dedicated insurance programmes.

TUW PZUW's market share in the mutual insurance market was around 35 percent at the end of 2023, rising to 41 percent after the second quarter of 2024.

TUW PZUW specialises primarily in industry and insures both conventional and green energy. The society's members include power plants, mines, wind and photovoltaic farms, the arms industry, shipbuilding and petrochemicals.

Members of the PZU's mutual insurances unit TWU PZUW also include Poland's nuclear power SPV Polskie Elektrownie Jadrowe (PEJ), an investor in the project to build Poland's first nuclear power plant.

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