Stalprofil's consortium inks PLN 218.1 mln gross deal for gas pipeline construction

The consortium with Poland's largest steel distributor Stalprofil's subsidiaries has concluded a contract with Poland's largest operator of the gas distribution system PSG for the construction of the Kalisz - Sieradz gas pipeline, Stalprofil announced in a market filing. The value of the works covered by the contract is PLN 218.1 million (EUR 50.7 mln) gross, i.e. PLN 177.35 million (EUR 41.2 mln) net.

Responsible on the part of the Stalprofil group for the execution of construction works and the supply of materials under the contract are STF Infrastruktura and Izostal. Both these companies are subsidiaries of Stalprofil.

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1 CHF 4,4239 -0,21%
1 EUR 4,1664 -0,24%
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1 USD 3,9879 -0,37%