TDJ Equity I announces tender offer to buy 283,948,098 Grenevia shares at PLN 2.12 per share

TDJ Equity I has announced a tender offer to buy 283,948,098 shares in listed industrials company Grenevia at a price of PLN 2.12 (EUR 0.50) per share, stated the intermediary, listed lender Santander's brokerage Santander BM, in a statement.

The tender offer was announced by TDJ Equity I in connection with the planned acquisition of 283,948,098 shares in the company entitling to approximately 49.41 percent of the total number of votes at the company's general meeting, i.e. all remaining shares in Grenevia.

As of the date of the announcement of the tender offer, the caller directly holds 290,728,459 shares in the company representing approximately 50.59 percent of the total number of votes at the general meeting. In addition, the company indirectly holds 4,116 own shares.

The opening date for accepting subscriptions for shares is January 20 and the closing date for accepting subscriptions is February 28.

The expected date of the share purchase transaction on the WSE is March 5.

The expected settlement date for the share purchase transaction is March 7.

As TDJ stated in December, if the tender offer reaches a threshold of at least 95 percent of the total number of votes at the general meeting, the investor will consider the possibility of conducting a squeeze-out of the shares held by the remaining shareholders and then delisting the company's shares.

TDJ became a strategic investor in Grenevia in 2002. Since the IPO, Grenevia's shareholders have received dividends totalling nearly PLN 1.3 billion (EUR 304.8 mln).

TDJ is a family-owned investment company. TDJ's portfolio includes Grenevia-focused companies in the broad energy transition industry - Impact Clean Power Technology, Projekt Solartechnik, Total Wind PL and Elgór+Hansen.

TDJ also has assets in the industrial, automation or veterinary sectors, among others. TDJ's activities also include the real estate and venture capital sectors.

alk/ han/

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