UPDATE: Orange PL telco posts PLN 804 mln EBITDAaL in Q4 2024, above expectations

Listed telecom operator Orange Polska posted an attributable net profit of PLN 201.1 million (EUR 48.2 mln) in the fourth quarter of 2024, above market expectations for PLN 170.1 million (EUR 40.8 mln), while EBITDA after lease (EBITDAaL) amounted to PLN 804 million (EUR 192.7 mln) against PLN 759.9 million (EUR 182.15 mln) assumed in PAP Biznes consensus, according to the company's preliminary financial report for 2024.

In 2024, Orange Polska's EBITDAaL has likely amounted to PLN 3.324 billion (EUR 796.76 mln), up 4.6 percent higher than in 2023.

The company estimates a net profit of PLN 913 million (EUR 218.85 mln) in 2024, up 11.6 percent year on year. The company's preliminary revenues for the period amounted to PLN 12.732 billion (EUR 3.05 bln), down 1.8 percent year on year.

On the other hand, the company's preliminary operating profit reached PLN 1.419 billion (EUR 340.13 mln) in 2024, up 16.2 percent year on year.

CEO Liudmila Climoc, quoted in the company's press release, pointed out that approximately 40 percent of Poland's population is within range of Orange Poland's 5G network, which uses C-band.

"Thanks to the construction of the network by the company Swiatlowod Inwestycje and strategic acquisitions of local operators, fibre optics from Orange has reached another million households in Poland. At the same time, XGS-PON technology, providing speeds of up to 8 Gbps, is already available to more than 2.5 million households," she said.

"Next month, at a separate event, we will present our medium-term strategic plan. I am confident that this plan will lay the foundations for further value growth for all our stakeholders," the CEO added.

As reported, In 2024.the number of individual customers of convergent offers increased by 84,000 or 4.9 percent year on year to 1.78 million


Q4 2024 results consensus difference y/y q/q YTD 2024
PLN mln PLN mln % % % PLN mln
Revenues 3423.0 3419.4 0.1% -2.0% 10.2% 3423.0
EBITDAaL 804.0 759.9 5.8% 6.8% -7.3% 804.0
EBIT 340.0 282.4 20.4% 212% -8.1% 340.0
Attrib. net profit 201.0 170.1 18.2% 179% -20.9% 201.0

mcb/ ao/

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