VIVID GAMES SA (26/2024) Zawarcie umowy z Inwestorem. Zakończenie przeglądu opcji strategicznych.

Raport bieżący 26/2024

The Management Board of Vivid Games S.A. (hereinafter: "the Company",

"the Issuer") informs that on September 20, 2024 it entered into an

investment agreement with Gemini Grup_#279; UAB, based in Vilnius, Republic

of Lithuania (hereinafter: "the Investor"). The acquisition of the

Investor is at the same time the completion of the review of strategic

options, the commencement of which was announced by the Issuer in ESPI

Current Report No. 13/2024 dated June 3, 2024.

As part of the execution of the aforementioned agreement, the Company

will issue 23,250,000 series I shares, at an issue price of PLN 0.225

per share, which will be offered to the Investor in exchange for a cash

contribution with a total value of PLN 5,230,250. The Company's

Management Board will immediately take all actions necessary to carry

out the issuance of series I shares and their registration by the KDPW.

The Company will announce the adoption of a resolution by the Management

Board on the issue of series I shares and the registration and admission

of these shares to trading on the regulated market in separate


The concluded investment agreement will positively affect the Company's

liquidity and operational capabilities, and will directly contribute to

increasing the Issuer's product and revenue potential.

Disclaimer: This English translation, including all attachments, has

been prepared solely for the convenience of English-speaking readers.

Despite all efforts devoted to this translation, there may be some

discrepancies, omissions or approximations. In the event of any

differences between the Polish and English versions, the Polish version

shall prevail. Vivid Games S.A., its representatives and employees

disclaim all liability in this regard.

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