Poland's environmental fund wants to earmark PLN 8 bln in 2025 for buildings insulation

Poland's National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOSiGW) is planning to allocate around PLN 8 billion (EUR 1.9 bln) this year to subsidies for the thermal modernisation of homes and the replacement of outdated heating furnaces, the Fund said. New funding rules for the programme are to apply from the beginning of April.

"(...) The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOSiGW) is planning to allocate around PLN 8 billion this year to subsidies for thermo-modernisation of houses and replacement of outdated heating furnaces," the Fund wrote in the statement.

"A new source of funding for the programme is planned this year from the Modernisation Fund. In February, NFOSiGW will apply to the European Investment Bank for PLN 10 billion," it added.

jz/ ao/

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