Qemetica chemicals finalises USD 310 mln purchase of silica business from US-based PPG

Listed chemicals group Qemetica (formerly Ciech) has finalised an around USD 310 million purchase of the precipitated silica business from the world's largest specialty materials, paints and coatings producer, American concern PPG, Qemetica said in a press release. This is one of the largest transactions carried out by a Polish company in the US market.

"Thus, Qemetica, the largest producer of, among other things, evaporated salt in Poland and the largest supplier of silicates in Europe, has acquired silica plants in the USA and the Netherlands, thereby increasing revenues by more than one billion zlotys," the company announced.

At the same time, the Qemetica group becomes the third player in Europe and the second in North America in the market for precipitated silica necessary, among other things, in the production of modern car tyres.

From the markets of the Americas, Qemetica will generate revenues equivalent to nearly USD 194.8 million increasing the geographical diversification of the business.

From PPG, Qemetica is acquiring production plants in the US (in Lake Charles, Louisiana) and Europe (in the Dutch town of Delfzijl) with a total production capacity of nearly 200,000 tonnes.

In addition, as part of the acquisition, Qemetica gains access to a research and development centre in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, and a production line in Barberton, Ohio.

The precipitated silica area has approximately 400 employees, who will join Qemetica's existing workforce of nearly 3,500 in Europe.

The acquisition will allow Qemetica to accelerate its international expansion in North American countries and diversify its product portfolio, which already reaches nearly 100 countries worldwide.

"This largest acquisition in the industrial area by a Polish company in the US is the result of Qemetica’s announced strategy for 2024-2029. The acquisitions - in addition to increasing innovation and expanding the portfolio with sustainable products - are a direction to strengthen the group's presence outside Europe and to seek new sources of growth," the group wrote in the press release.

Qemetica’s new asset specialises in the production of precipitated silica - a key raw material for the global automotive, electrical engineering and materials industries (production of e.g. tyres, batteries, fillers).

Since 2014, Qemetica is in the portfolio of companies of Kulczyk Investments - an international private investment house.

To date, Qemetica has operated through seven business lines producing soda, evaporated salt, crop protection products, polyurethane foams, silicates and glass packaging, as well as providing rail transport services.

The silica (precipitated silica) business will be its eighth operating segment. In addition to the new business, Qemetica has nine production facilities in Poland and Germany and distribution companies in the plant protection products business in several European countries.

pr/ ao/ han/

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