Poland sees 10 companies and 5 consortia submitting bids in PLN 2.2 bln tender for design and construction of roads to CPK

Ten companies and five consortia have submitted bids in a tender worth PLN 2.2 billion (EUR 513 mln) for the design and construction of roads to Poland's Central Transportation Hub CPK, the company said in a press release.

"Ten companies and five consortiums have submitted bids in the CPK company's tender for the design and construction of roads around CPK Airport. The estimated value of the contract is more than PLN 2.2 billion net," CPK wrote.

The company will sign a framework agreement with up to 15 entities after verifying the applications.

"Those with whom CPK will sign this agreement will compete for the execution of individual contracts for the execution of design works, obtaining decisions authorising the commencement of construction works and their execution with regard to the road system connecting the CPK airport with the public road network," CPK added.

The entire contract is expected to be carried out by the CPK company in three separate parts. 

As part of the overall contract, a road network with a total length of more than 90 kilometres in a two- and one-lane road system will be constructed and reconstructed around the CPK airport.

The company is reviewing the application documents and plans to sign the framework agreement later this year. The estimated value of the contract is more than PLN 2.2 billion (EUR 513 mln) net.  

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