Orange PL telco to intensify new strategy works in H2 2024

Listed telecom operator Orange Polska will intensify works on its new strategy in the second half of 2024, which presentation is planned for the beginning of 2025, the company's CEO Liudmila Climoc told a teleconference with analysts.

"We will intensify works on the new strategy, which is to be presented at the beginning of 2025, in the second half of the year," the CEO said.

Climoc stated before that the new Orange Polska strategy will be the continuation of the existing one, not a revolution.

As part of the strategy for years 2021-2024, Orange Polska expected a small, single digit revenue growth and small to medium, single digit EBITDAal growth and the economic investment expenditures at PLN 1.7 to 1.9 billion (EUR 396.4-443 mln) on average per year.

Furthermore, the company anticipated a net debt/EBITDAal in a range of 1.7 to 2.2x in the long-term and a return to dividend payment.

Orange Polska also plans to continue investing into the construction of 5G network - the CEO informed on Wednesday that 5G is available for Orange customers in over 280 cities.

The operator launched 5G in the so-called C band at 2,000 base stations in January, covering almost 28 percent of Polish population.

Orange plans to make 5G available at nearly 3,000 base stations by the end of 2024, in over 350 cities.

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