Grupa Pracuj expects stable growth in number of recruitment projects in Poland

Listed HR firm Grupa Pracuj expects stable year-on-year growth in the number of recruitment projects in Poland in the coming quarters, with a simultaneous single-digit increase in the average price of recruitment projects, the company representatives told a video conference. In a conservative scenario, volumes may increase by 2-4 percent, while in an optimistic one by 5-8 percent.

"In terms of the number of recruitment projects in Poland (...), we have two scenarios - a conservative one, which we assume, this is an increase in volumes of 2-4 percent and an increase in the average price of 2-3 percent," CEO Przemyslaw Gacek said.

As he mentioned, this applies to the scenario in which there are more blue collar, pink collar projects, "because companies that recruit for white collar positions have not yet started to make such investments, they are not so brave to invest, to build the market."

At the same time, he added that the optimistic scenario assumes a 5-8 percent increase in the number of ads, with a 4-7 percent increase in the price.

In the presentation, the company said it expects stable year-on-year growth in the number of recruitment projects in Poland in the coming quarters, with a single-digit increase in the average price of recruitment projects.

Earlier, Grupa Pracuj posted adjusted EBITDA of PLN 89.5 million (EUR 20.9 mln) in the second quarter of 2024, above expectations for PLN 88.0 million (EUR 20.6 mln), the company's financial report showed.

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