PZU insurer does not rule out acquisitions, considers various options for Link4

Listed insurance group PZU does not rule out possible acquisitions, it is considering various options for the group's insurer Link4, PZU's CEO Artur Olech told a conference.

"We are considering [for Link4 - PAP ed.] various options. Today it is a company that is a separate entity (...) it is a very strong brand, next to the PZU brand (...), while there is a huge call when it comes to the quality of this business, its profitability, we need to work on it together," Olech said.

He reported that the group would like to test entry into other markets in "lightweight models".

"However, we are not closed to acquisitions, the acquisition must be well thought out, it cannot be an antidote to problems, the Polish market has a lot of challenges," CEO said.

Since 2014, following the acquisition of Link4, the PZU group has offered insurance under two brands. Link4 is associated with the direct sales channel.

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