PKP Cargo hauler signs letter of intent with Budimex builder to hire up to 100 employees

Listed rail hauler PKP Cargo in restructuring and listed builder Budimex have signed a letter of intent on hiring up to 100 employees by Budimex under the new employment support programme, PKP Cargo said in a press release.

As reported, the letter of intent signed during the XXIII Economic Forum in Karpacz enables Budimex to recruit PKP Cargo employees for positions such as diesel traction vehicle driver, rolling stock mechanic, equipment operator, electromechanic (at various levels of responsibility), and electrician.

In August, the management board of PKP Cargo launched the process of collective redundancies at the company's head Office and plants by establishing group redundancy regulations. Employees affected by the redundancy process will be able to benefit from training and counselling assistance. The company will provide training to develop skills that can be used when looking for a new job.

"The challenges we face as a company make it necessary to make unpopular decisions, often difficult ones, in the face of which the implemented solutions often show areas of inefficiency and need to be quickly rectified," said the acting member of the management board for commercial matters Pawel Milek, quoted in the press release.

"The requirements in the financial sphere are also a major determinant of these decisions," he added.

The agreement signed today (Thursday, September 5) is the twelfth letter of intent. In total, under the agreements signed, it is possible to employ over 2,000 PKP Cargo employees in other companies in various sectors of the economy. All these programmes are already in place or will be implemented in the coming weeks.

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1 CHF 4,5137 0,45%
1 EUR 4,2702 0,12%
1 GBP 5,1229 0,39%
100 JPY 2,6510 0,24%
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