Pekabex group records order backlog at PLN 1.76 bln at end-June

Listed prefabricated building producer Pekabex group's order backlog at the end of June stood at PLN 1.76 billion (EUR 410.6 mln), up from PLN 990.5 million (EUR 231.1 mln) in the prior year period, the company reported.

As reported, the value of signed contracts to be executed in 2024 is PLN 958 million (EUR 223.5 mln), and PLN 799.6 million (EUR 186.6 mln) in the following years.

"In a period of instability in the market situation, the group focuses on winning new, more profitable contracts and maintaining the profitability of projects already under way," it wrote.

The Pekabex group provides solutions for the design, manufacture and assembly of building structures based on the technology of prefabrication of reinforced concrete elements, as well as comprehensive construction of buildings as a general contractor and develops property development activities.

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