PZU insurer reimburses PLN 111 mln to flood victims by far

Listed insurance group PZU has issued decisions on 70 percent of the flood damage reported by customers within a week and a half, paying out a total of more than PLN 111 million (EUR 26.04 mln) in advances and compensation, the insurer said in a press release.

The company said that it had increased its helpline staffing and activated damage pre-servicing, contacting customers in at-risk areas and checking whether they needed assistance or wanted to report a claim.

PZU has sent PZU Pomoc (PZU Help) mobile offices to Lower Silesia to make it easier for victims to report damage and obtain compensation on the so-called fast-track service on the spot.

seb/ nl/ ao/

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1 EUR 4,2990 0,09%
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