Replacing spurs on lower Vistula river may cost PLN 600 mln, says infrastructure dep. min.

The estimated cost of rebuilding the spurs on the lower Vistula river, which will launch inland navigation, is around PLN 600 million (EUR 140.7 mln), deputy minister of infrastructure Arkadiusz Marchewka told a parliamentary committee.

According to the CEO of nuclear energy SPV PGE PAK Energia Jadrowa, inland river transport would allow easier and faster construction of the nuclear power plant in Konin.

At a meeting of the maritime economy and inland navigation committee, Marchewka pointed out, there are many stakeholders affected by the investment in the construction of a transhipment quay on the Vistula in Solec Kujawski.

"Wody Polskie [Poland's water management authority] are involved the local government, which is planning to realise the quay as well as PGE, which is one of the developers of the future nuclear power plant, for the construction of which the maritime and inland navigation infrastructure will be used," said the deputy minister.

He informed that almost PLN 200,000 (EUR 46,900) had been secured for this year for the construction of the quay.

"The expenses alone (for the reconstruction of the spurs on the lower Vistula) on the side of Wody Polskie will amount to almost PLN 600 million according to our estimates. These are large sums which should be realised within the framework of a multi-year programme - we are working on it," Marchewka informed.

"It is necessary to obtain an environmental assessment of this project, but we estimate that in these 3 sections the costs will amount to around 600 million zlotys," he added.

According to the head from the Ministry of Infrastructure Marta Kunicka, the timetable envisages about 3-4 years for the preparation of project documentation for the investment in the reconstruction of the spurs on the lower Vistula and another 3-4 years for the implementation of the investment itself.

"From our perspective (the reloading wharf in Solec Kujawski), this would be an excellent piece of transport infrastructure, which would allow us to transport heavy elements much more easily, not only during the construction phase but also during operation," PGE PAK Energia Jadrowa CEO Tomasz Nowacki said.

He added that it would also be the cheapest way of transporting bulky items.

As he informed, during the construction phase there will be about 250 heavy items of large dimensions to transport.

"Our heaviest piece of equipment is about 800 tonnes, the biggest length is 35 metres and the height is 8 metres, so such a port at this location would be a fantastic thing," he explained.

Asked whether the company's investment planned with Korean technology provider KHNP would overtake operations on the Vistula, he replied that there still seems to be a safe buffer.

"We intend to import these heavy elements after 2030, so it seems that we are still on the safe side," he said.

"We have started a transport study, i.e. a study of all possible routes for the delivery of all the elements, we will look for alternative routes, but this route from the Tricity ports seems to be the optimal route," he added.

A letter of intent between PGE PAK Energia Jadrowa and the local government regarding the reloading quay on the Vistula in Solec Kujawski is planned to be signed at the end of September/beginning of October.

jz/ han/ ao/

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