11 bit studios postpones release of The Alters game again, title to be released in 2025

Listed video games producer 11 bit studios has postponed the release of The Alters for the second time, with the title's debut being changed from the first quarter to an unspecified date in 2025, according to a post on the game's account on X and the company's LinkedIn publication.

"Following a comprehensive evaluation of Project Dolly, we regret to inform you that the planned departure has been delayed beyond the first quarter of 2025, with a revised launch window set for later in the year," 11 bit wrote.

"While we recognise that this may not be the update you were hoping for, this additional time is dedicated to further refining mission parameters and ensuring that all necessary systems meet uncompromising standards," it added.

The Alters was originally scheduled for release in November 2024, but in October the company announced that the game's debut had been postponed to the first quarter of 2025.

In December 2024, the company's CEO Przemyslaw Marszal indicated in an interview with PAP Biznes that milestone work had been completed on The Alters, which was expected to, among other things, give the game a lightweight feel.

Asked at the time about a possible postponement of the release, he reported that a release of the game at the end of the first quarter of 2025 was a challenge, but that a change of date was not a foregone conclusion.

The Alters is a psychological adventure game. The game will debut in PC and console versions. Upon release, the game will appear on the PC Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass services.

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