Agora media upholds advertising market growth forecast at 6-8 pct in 2024

Listed media group Agora has upheld its advertising market growth forecast for 2024 at 6-8 percent, the company stated in a report.

For online advertising, the growth forecast for 2024 has been maintained at 7-10 percent. For TV advertising, the forecast has also been maintained at 7-10 percent. Forecasts for the press segment also remain unchanged at 11-8 percent.

There was also no change in the growth forecast for the cinema advertising market, where the company maintained its upward forecast of 9-14 percent, as well as estimates for outdoor advertising (+10-15 percent) and radio (+4-7 percent).

As reported, in the third quarter of 2024, the value of advertising spending in Poland increased by almost 8 percent compared to the same period in 2023. Advertisers spent around PLN 2.9 billion (EUR 670.9 mln) on promoting their products and services during this period.

"In the first nine months of 2024, the value of advertising expenditure increased by more than 9 percent and reached an amount of approximately PLN 9.05 billion. During this period, the increase in advertising expenditure concerned all market segments except for the press," was written in the report.

It was reported that solid double-digit increases were recorded in Internet advertising in each quarter of 2024. In the three consecutive quarters of 2024, large increases were also recorded in TV and radio advertising spending.

"Only press advertising expenditure, both in dailies and magazines, declined," Agora wrote.

In the first quarter of 2024, cinema advertising recorded very strong growth and in the second and third quarters of 2024, against the backdrop of falling cinema attendance, cinema advertising expenditure recorded a small increase in the second quarter of 2024 (by 2 percent) and a small decrease in the third quarter of 2024 (by 0.5 percent).

mcb/ han/ nl/

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